Welcome to my website! My CV is linked here if you’re here for that, and other ways to reach me are linked in the menu either to the left, or above, depending on your screen resolution. Click the links at the top of the page to check out some of my other experience and work!
what do/did i do?
I am currently a junior at Georgia Tech majoring in Biomedical Engineering and minoring in Chemistry and Biochemistry, interested in developing resilient delivery systems for microbes, drugs, and biologics in human health and harsh environments. At Tech, I work in the Enveomics Lab throughout the school year on mostly computational work, and for the past few summers I have worked in the Appel Lab and the Traverso Lab as part of the Stanford SURF program and the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP), respectively. In the summer of 2025, I will be a Product Engineering intern at Varda Space Industries as part of the Brooke Owens Fellowship.
I’m also a part of the M.A.R.S Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) team starting January 2025, and was formerly part of the Smart and Connected Bioelectronics VIP working on cardiovascular monitoring devices under Dr. Woon-Hong Yeo from August 2022 to December 2023. Outside of classes I serve as one of the Biomedical Engineering officers for Asclepios V, a student-run analog mission based at EPFL, and am Production Manager for DramaTech, Georgia Tech’s student-run theatre.
what do i care about?
My overarching goal in my work is to develop better ways of delivering better therapeutics. As someone surrounded by those with chronic diseases, I hope to be able to make a difference in my communities and use novel, innovative techniques to ensure better quality of life.
I am a strong supporter of interdisciplinary projects and am interested in supporting life in extreme environments, such as space. I believe that skills in engineering are translational throughout subfields and am happiest working on meaningful projects incorporating multiple disciplines, such as the Asclepios V mission. Since the start of my time in school, I’ve also been committed towards increasing diversity in STEM through my involvement in MSRP and Stanford SURF, as well as Georgia Tech’s Undergradute Research Ambassadors, SWE chapter, and Women in Engineering program.
how did i get here?
I’ve had the privilege of teachers and friends very passionate about STEM since middle school. In high school, I especially enjoyed getting to be part of the Department of Energy’s Science Bowl competitions and learn a bit more about chemistry, biology, and how to read textbooks to learn about how the world works. I had some incredibly smart team members, yet I was consistently the only girl on the team. Go figure, huh? When I started college, I wanted to work on hands-on projects with women and the LGBTQ+ community, and found myself developing an appreciation for working on technical theatre. Funny enough, skills needed for success in technical theatre also help out with research! I’ve always loved working with microorganisms and drugs and their applications to human health through my environmental background in chronic disease. After sending some emails and applications, I’m now here :)
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